

In small groups, Mist members organise workshops and produce podcasts out of collective discussions. They freely discuss subjects chosen collectively and record themselves using the radio equipment owned by the association. They are all responsible for the discussions and the content of the podcasts they produce. At the end of the sessions, they decide together which extracts are to be broadcast.

Saison 2 : True talk, Life after.

As part of weekly discussion groups on the theme of “life after the street”, Mist members record their own podcasts and broadcast them for other victims in Europe.

What are the challenges of this new life? How do you overcome them? How do you talk about them, break taboos and encourage support for each other in this new battle?

These recordings are a genuine individual and collective therapeutic tool; they began in September 2021 and are still ongoing.

Thanks to Antoine Lalanne-Desmet of Radio Activité (editing), Tadzio, Elodie Apard, Ayoola Fakunmoju and Ewena Robin (illustrations).

Episode 1

Life after forced prostitution. What do we face, what are the challenges of this new life? This is why we are here again in Paris to talk about the issues with boyfriend, the difficulty of having a good boyfriend after the street. Lets share our experience together and SUPPORT each other on this new battle.

Episode 2

Listen to this second episode about boy-friends and discover more. Nigerian victims of trafficking are enslaved by their madams: which Everybody know that, but some Girls are now enslaved by their so-called boyfriends and it’s a total taboo. Lets have a True Talk about them. Life after the street is full of challenges and we need to support each others in this new battle.

Episode 3

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2022 #8mars discover the New episode of our True Talk podcast🎙️. Let’s talk about Women’s Rights with Madame Hélène Bidard, Deputy Mayor of Paris! Our rights as victims of trafficking are not always properly protected in France and we need to have a True Talk about it💪🏾🙏🏾🎙️ Listen to our voices and share this episode to empower solidarity. Thanks to Hélène Bidard for listening and supporting us🙏🏾 !

Episode 4

Listen to this new episode of true talk about church. Churches are supposed to be safe places! Life after the street is full of challenges and we need to support each others in this new battle.

Episode 5

For two months, actors TRACY GOTOAS and FULGENCE MVEMBA joined our team as part of the preparation for the movie DU CRÉPITEMENT SOUS LES NÉONS by FGKO. With us, they learnt Nigerian pidgin language, they were confronted with the realities of human trafficking and in this episode they tell you all about it!

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more episodes   

Episode 6

In 2017, the French President declared that what happened in Libya was human trafficking and a crime against humanity. In 2021, he said “France has a debt to Libya and the Libyan people: a decade of disorder”. Today, Mist members would like to ask @emmanuelmacron a question: what about the debt of the French state to the victims of this crime against humanity, sold and exploited in Libya during these ten years of disorder? Thousands of them are living in France today without shelter or documents. Why is it so difficult for us to have protection and the right to stay in France, while you know so well what we have endured?

Episode 7

You know, when people talk about “Libya, Libya” or “Europe, Europe”, well, it’s not a piece of cake! My friends, please, if you have something to add or to tell, do it, because if it’s just one person talking, people will say it’s a lie. Go on, tell me! Write a message or come and speak at the microphone!

Episode 8

International Women’s Day🥳🤩 Listen to the new True Talk episode ! Hear the experience of Nigerian trafficking victims transferred through Libya. Let’s talk about the experience of victims of human trafficking transported through conflict zones. It happens now. It happened 10 years ago for some of us. But we have not forgotten. Where is the acknowledgement, the justice, the care and the protection in France for what happened in Libya for so many victims ? Fight against impunity for sexual violence in conflict zones and for the protection of its victims 💪🏽🫱🏼‍🫲🏿📢

Episode 9

Hi girls, we are in Paris now with my friends and we have something to chip in for the conversation about this Agadez and Tripoli because some of our friends that we came together, some of them today they cant talk, they are dead all in the name of rapists ! Listen to Episode 9 of TRUE TALK Season 2. Fight against impunity for rape and trafficking. Fight for the need of long-term assistance for its victims.

Make a donation to support our support groups: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/mist/formulaires/1

#stoprapenow #womenempowerment #survivor #truetalks #stophumantrafficking

Saison 1 : True talk, from France to Nigeria

As part of the online prevention campaign Don’t Pay With Your Life (1), a group of thirteen women members of Mist produced eight episodes of a podcast entitled TRUE TALK aimed at young Nigerian girls, particularly those living in Edo state in southern Nigeria, the heartland of sex trafficking to Europe. The recordings were made between December 2020 and June 2021, during fifteen sessions, including ten group discussions and recording workshops, co-hosted with the associations Radio activité and Jouir (2).

Preparatory work

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
  1. Don’t Pay With Your Life Campaign is coordinated by ECPAT France and run in partnership with the associations Mist (France), AFJ (France) and Girls power Initiative (Nigeria): Don’t Pay With Your Life Campaign – Home | Facebook. This campaign aims to raise awareness and encourage young people under the age of 25 in Nigeria’s Edo State to get involved in the fight against the trafficking of young Nigerian women for sexual exploitation.
  2. Many thanks to Elodie Apard, Silvia Beraldo, Amélie Perrot, Constance Leon, Camille Sarazin and Aphelandra Siassia.